The BRIDGE uses three strategies to support families and prevent involvement in the juvenile justice and child welfare systems.


  • Building
  • Relationships that  
  • Inspire one another, 
  • Develop mutual trust, 
  • Guided by family voice & choice, and that
  • Establish equitable partnerships 


By centering family voice and choice, the BRIDGE network serves as a catalyst for families to define, develop, and access services throughout the Omaha Metro Community.


Answering the Call for Action

The voice of families asking for a better way to access community support led to the creation of The BRIDGE Family Resource Connector Network.


Omaha area school districts, local government, community nonprofit organizations, and service providers coordinated their efforts and established The BRIDGE as a 501(c)(3) organization.  

Autumn 2023

The first place-based Family Resource Centers launch, providing navigators to both East and West Omaha.

October 2023

Douglas County Community Response Collaborative (DCCR) transitioned to The BRIDGE. This allows the Collaborative to evolve from a virtual resource to a network of place-based resources.

July 2024

“Project Everlast” transitions from Nebraska Children and Families Foundation to a program of The BRIDGE



EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR | Marian Fey [email protected]

SENIOR DIRECTOR OF PROGRAMS | Phillip Burrell [email protected]

DIRECTOR OF CENTRAL NAVIGATION | Nikia Gunn-Abdulai            [email protected]